Paid To Popup Hacking Articles: How to Hack Orkut Account

How to Hack Orkut Account

Howdy,In this post I will show you How to hack Orkut Account of your Friend for fun.
  As Orkut has secred 128 bit SSL connection it will take four steps to open the account page,so its is difficult to Hack orkut Through PHP script stealing Den How we Hack dis.....
Orkut Can hacked using three methods which are:-
(1)Using Keylogger
(2)Using Phising atttack(Fake Orkut Login Page)
(3)Using Cookie editor(Cookie stealing)

(1)Using Keylogger

Keylogger is a software which is use for spy on remote computer.It is Monitoring all the activities,proccess,keystrokes of  remote machine where it is installed.When a user login to his/her Orkut account and type password and user name. the Keylogger records user name and password of the user.Keylogger run its Activity in hide mode.You can also send Keylogger to any email address through email or instant messenger.You can download keylogger from the given Link:-

(2)Using Phising attack(Using fake orkut Login page)

Phising is used for stealing information from any remote computer.It is most used tools by Hackers.You can also hack any one Orkut account by using phising attack for dat you have to make a fake login page.
Fake orkut Login page can be send to any Orkut User through scrap,messege.
When User login through fake login page which is viewed same as Orkut login page the user information will be send to developer.You can download Fake Orkut Login page from the following Link:-

(3)Using Cookie Stealing

Cookie stealing is newer method for Orkut Hacking and most of people dont know about it.So guys,For this hacking method ,
(1)You must have installed Mozilla Firefox on your remote machine.
(2)After it installing Mozilla Firefox You need to Download Cookie Editor from following Link:-
(3)You need to have two fake accounts to hack orkut one for reciving cookie and other account is for advertising your script.Well it depends on your choice to have two orkut account.
Cookie Script:



How to use Cookie script:
1.Replace your Uid number “UserId.value=34536569?

How to Replace your Uid
1. Go to your album
2. Right click on any Photo> Properties>55886645.jpg It will be a Eight Digit Value.
3. Now replace your value with the value in the java script.
Your script will look like.



2.Now send this Cookie script to the victim and ask him to paste in Address bar and Press enter

3.You’ll Get his cookie in your scrapbook.
4.After Getting a cookie go to your orkut Home page , Then click on Tools tab and then go to cookie editor plugin( Tools–> Cookie editor) filter/refresh.look for ‘orkut_state’ cookie. just double click it and replace the orkut_state part with your victim’s Script
put ur eight digit number in the place of (34536569).
Thats it your done with.
Logout of your orkut and login again and you’ll be in your victims Homepage.
6.So remember guys…if ur on orkut or having any other account….never click or paste in address bar any suspicious script to prevent anyone from hacking/accessing your account.

I hope you have learned how to hack orkut accounts using cookie stealing. Just the script can be used to hack orkut accounts and then access victim’s orkut account. You wont be hacking any password here. But just the cookies. Go have some fun with it.
Enjoying the Hack....!!!