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How to find out someone's IP Address

Finding out someone's IP address is like finding their phone number, an IP address can be used to find the general location where that person lives. Sometimes its necessary to find out an IP address in order to report an internet crime such as stalking or harrassment. The best way to find out someone's IP address is by using an instant messaging program such as MSN Messenger or AIM since this opens up a direct line of communication between the two computers. It only takes a few easy steps to track an IP address after opening communication.

How to Find out someone's IP Address using MSN messenger

1.Chat with the person on MSN Messenger.
2.Click “Start” on your computer
3.Click “Run” box.
4.Type in “cmd” or “command.” Press “Enter” on your keyboard.
5.Type “netstat” into the Command Screen.
6.The IP address of the person you are chatting with will come up.

How to Find Out Someone's IP Address Using AIM(GTalk,Yahoo Messenger)

1.Chat with the person on AIM and open a direct connection.

2.Open cmd and type "netstat"

3.Look for Port 4443 which is AIM default direct connection. The IP address of the person you are chatting with will come up. If 4443 doesn’t come up, look for a port with a similar number. 

So..Enjoy the Hack.......