Paid To Popup Hacking Articles: ZaPaK hAcKiNg

ZaPaK hAcKiNg

hey GuYz aS yoU all know that soulx_shubham only got the cheats of zapak and spreaded them but if you dont know then ill tell u.....

Multiplayer Darts :---
1./when your chance comes in multiplayer darts ..throw two of your darts on the board and then when the third dart is in your hand dont throw it..
2./first disconnect your net wire and throw your third dart after it a blue screen will appear with countdown as the box comes connect your internet wire immidieatly...
3./you are almost done as your opponent dart will not appear

2 TRIK.///
1./when your game is ending and you are losing and it should be your opponent your opponent throws his second dart be prepared and as he throws his dart..before it hits the board disconnect your internet wire and connect it after 8 seconds exact...
it will show that he has to show dart ,his time will spend and you'll win....enjoy...