Paid To Popup Hacking Articles: To create a basic web page you need

To create a basic web page you need

to create a basic web page you need  
#  5Content to put on the pages on the web site 
content is usually described as including
  • text (a fancy way of saying the words on the page)
  • images (photos and drawings + moving images)
  • audio (sounds in different file formats)
The main reason why websites take along time to build is not due to the technical considerations of making the web page files, or uploading, but rather due to the time taken in decision making, and consultations that go into choosing what to say, then making the images (sometimes original photos need to be taken - then scanned), then seeing how it will all fit together; which can involved many people giving opinions about the appearance.  
  • text - the arrangement of words you put on the site. Sometimes this is easy as copying out words from the existing PR material, sometimes it has to be written from scratch.
  • images - sometimes these can be cut and pasted from other sites, sometimes new photos, or diagrams have to be created, and then image editors have to be used to size and shape the images so they will fit on the page and be of a size (in bytes) that will load fast
    • static images
      • .jpeg (highly compressed files) - load fast, lower quality
      • .gif
      • .bmp (high quality, cannot be seen in older browsers ie. Netscape 4.7)
    • moving images
      • real player  files (.rp)
      • movie files (.mpeg)
  • audio
    • .wav files
    • .midi files
    • MP3 files