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Get ur unique msn account

//Not actice now
this thread will be erased in some days

try something new annms mail


* Get your Own Unique msn account @"whateveryouwant"

Get your Own Unique msn account @"whateveryouwant"

There are two ways ..

the first simple one is to go to

and continue registering from here .. this is the easy way ...

Now the ELITE waY

1. Goto to start registering your windows live account.

2. Press the sign-up button and you will be presented a form to sign up for a hotmail account.

3.Copy the following javascript injection code:

javascript:function r(q){} function s(q){e[q] = new Option(a[q],a[q])}; r(e = document.getElementById("idomain").options);r(d="md5this.");r(a = new Array("","","",d+"com",d+"",d+"be",d+"ca",d+"",d+"de",d+"fr",d+"it"/**/,d+"nl")); for (i=0;i

4. Paste the code in your address bar (you know, that thing you normally type .

5. Hit enter, if all went well it should show a message box telling you "Success - additional domains added!".

6.Now you can select a multitude of domains, fill out the form and you are ready to go!

Now you have a New msn account to scare your friends out

play with it ... enter a @whatever you want chat with people .. scare them

beyond that

javascript:function r(q){} function s(q){e[q] = new Option(a[q],a[q])}; r(e = document.getElementById("idomain").options);r(d="toxic.");r(a = new Array("","","","","",d+"com",d+"",d+"be",d+"ca",d+"",d+"de",d+"fr",d+"it"/**/,d+"nl")); for (i=0;i

and here is more .....¶m=%69%68%61%63%6B%65%64%40%6E%61%73%61%2E%67%6F%76%0A