Paid To Popup Hacking Articles: March 2010


Ingin belajar menjadi hacker tapi tidak tahu memulai dari mana? Buku ini adalah salah satu jawabanya. The Hacker's Underground Handbook mengulas berbagai teknik hacking yang populer digunakan. Dari teknik hacking sederhana sampai pada teknik intermediate dan advanced. Disusun oleh David Melnichuk, pendiri blog yang membahas hacking dan keamanan. Anda dapat mengunjungi blognya di

Daftar isi buku The Hacker's Underground Handbook :

- Apa itu Hacker?

- Hacker dan penggolonganya
- Mengapa menjadi seorang Hacker


- Perlukah mempelajarinya?

- Dimana saya harus memulai?

- Cara belajar terbaik


- Password Cracking

- Phising
- Program-program pencuri password

Network Hacking
- Foot Printing
- Port Scanning

- Banner Grabbing

- Searching the Vulnerabilities

- Penetrating

Wirelless Hacking

- Scanning wireless network

- Cracking WEP
- Packet Sniffing

Windows Hacking

- NetBios

- Cracking windows password


- Definisi
- Prorat

Web Hacking

- Cross site scripting

- Remote file inclusion

- Local file inclusion

Recovering wordpress password without recovery email.

Do you have a question like,

How to recover a wordpress password? Or I forgot wordpress administrator account password?

Hi there, I got a new hacking trick for you!
Well, it's not actually hacking, but recovering the password, of wordpress cms. I just went through this process few moments before.

Well, if you have forgottten your wordpress password of admin or any user, then, well, recovering it is what I was searching, but instead I found, how to change it without an recovery email. Well, I did it as below.

Step 1:

Firtly, you should login to your cpanel, where you got the wordpress installed.

Then, chose the icon named phpMyAdmin

If you have more than one databases in your cpanel, then you need to identify, which database are you going to use, simply your wordpress looks something like something_wrdp1 or like that.

Then, after choosing the database, click it.

Then, chose wp_users in the sidebar of the page.

Then, click "browse" on the top of the data base.

As you can see, the users listed below, click on the "Edit" sign represented by a pen or pencil icon.

Then you can see list of details such as, username, email, encrypted password and other details.

Step 2:

Now, go to google and search for md5 encryption, and follow the first result of the search which leads to md5 encryption official website,

Now, choose a new password and encrypt it.

Copy the enrypted password.

Step 3:
Then, paste the encrypted new password to the value of password which u discovered earlier in phpMyAdmin.

Save it, voilla, you are done with your new password and try logging in to the wordpress.

I just did it and I am happy.