cara Mengirim Pesan Lewat Bluetooth - tanpa Accepting
Filed under
Cell Phone Hacks,
Oke ini adalah Postingan lain yang sedikit Buat Fun ato ngerjain orang ,atau Buat apapun tujuan kalian,Fungsi utamanya memang untuk mengirim pesan lewat Bluetooth ,simple dan efektif
Saya temukan di situs norwegian namun ada translate nya ,silahkan di COba
Item Needed:
Sebuah HandPhone dengan Bluetooth Connection
Step 1 : masuk Ke Contacts atau tempat kamu memasukan Nomor Baru ke HP kamu
Step 2 : Buat Nomor kontak Baru klik "new Contact" tergantung Hp kamu
Step 3 : Di bagian Untuk mengisi Nomor isikan Nomor brapapun ,contoh Masukan angka 1337
Step 4 : Di bagian Untuk mengisi Nama masukan Isi pesan kalian,Contoh pesan nya "Bluejacked!"
Step 5 : Save Contact baru ini
Step 6 : masuk lagi ke contact dan pilih kontak yang baru kamu buat
Step 7 : KLik di kontak tersebut dan pilih "send With Bluetooth" tergantung HP kamu
Step 8 : Pilih target kalian dan "Send"
DI HP korban akan ada Pesan seperti yang kamu barusan tulis di nama kontak tersebut ,
Cara Mem-Boot Seseorang dari Wireless Connection
Filed under
Wireless Hack
Okay langsung aja deh,Sekarang Sya akan mencoba mengajari bagaimana menendang seseorang dari Wireless Connection kalian,hhe.gampang ,kalian hanya butuh waktu 10 detik >.<.
Netcut :
dan sedikit Otak
Okay untuk pemula Execute Netcut nya.setelah kalian menjalankan Booter nya kalian akan mmemiliki tampilan sepert ini
Next yang kalian lakukan ialah menekan Tombol Find ,akan ada pop up window. Saat kalian berada pada saat memasukan Local ip ke textbox maka user akan telihat.jika kalian ga tau cara lihat Local IP ,cari gateway kalian dan lihat.
Setelah nya gampang,kalian tinggal pilih User yang ingin di tendang,lalu Tekan Cut OFF.
Best Ip hider - Ultimate collection
Filed under
Di post ini di sertakan Satu Link download Untuk kalian jika membutuhkan IP hider.Fungsi utama IP hider adalah menyembunyikan IP asli kalian dari Di internet saat Surf Ria di Dunia internet.Dengan Ip hider kalian bisa bebas Browsing dll.Jika ada yang di Banned IP oleh suatu Situs dan tidak Bisa lagi melihat - lihat Web tersebut kalian Bisa menggunakan IP hider juga.silahkan Download dan Share disini ok
di link ini kalian akan mendapatkan 5 Tools IP hiders
Brikut Preview dari Produk
Key Features and Benefits provided by Easy-Hide-IP
Easy-Hide-IP - Secures and Anonymizes all your internet connections and allows you to: Surf any Web Sites, Instant Messenger and Chat services, Web-based Email services, Newsgroups, Web Blogs and Forums. Your Identity is Secure, Protected, and Anonymized.
» Easy-Hide-IP - Secures and Anonymizes all your internet connections and allows you to: Surf any Web Sites, Instant Messenger and Chat services, Web-based Email services, Newsgroups, Web Blogs and Forums. Your Identity is Secure, Protected, and Anonymized.
» Easy-Hide-IP protects your identity by replacing your real IP address with a different one. You will appear to access the internet from a different location, not your own. Your real location is never revealed.
» You can bypass virtually any form of censorship or internet traffic blocking imposed on you by your ISP, by your company, or by some other third parties. All your internet traffic is routed through remote servers. On your ISP's log file, only the IPs of the remote servers will be shown, not the sites you have visited.
» You do not need to worry about your ISP or some other Entities monitoring your internet activities, see what you are doing, which Newsgroups, Blogs or Forums you have visited and which messages you have posted.
How Easy-Hide-IP Works
Find out how Easy-Hide-IP Works
» We use servers located strategically around the world. You can easily connect to any of the worldwide servers anytime, anywhere. Each time you press the Hide IP Now button one of the servers will be selected for use. The location is selected randomly. Each time your press Get a new IP – the server is use will be changed with a new one. Read More
» Through the secure anonymous network, you can surf the web with total anonymity and security!
» Easy-Hide-IP is designed for sensitive browsing. Use it anytime you want to protect your privacy with full confidence. What Easy-Hide-IP won't do for you is: enhance your download speed (while using Easy-Hide-IP your download speed might decrease) and will not allow you to access SSL (Secure Socket Layer) web sites so you will not be able to do online shopping.
Hide IP Platinum is the software you are looking for! Keeping your privacy is simple and easy: the only thing you need to do is open Hide IP Platinum. Hide IP Platinum will find the proxy server available to you and set it as your proxy server automatically. There is nothing need you to concern. Hide IP Platinum have done everything for you! Key Features of Hide IP Platinum:
- Hide IP Platinum searches for HIGH anonymous proxy server and makes you complete invisible to any websites you are surfing
- Protect you from any website that wants to monitor your reading interests and spy upon you through your unique IP address - your ID in the Internet
- Avoid your personal information be used to send you spam and junk emails by many marketers and advertising agencies who having information about your interests and knowing your IP address as well as your email
- Keeping your computer away from hacker attacks by hiding your IP address as well as information about your operation system
- Ability to frequently change IP addresses increases privacy
- Enable and disable Hide IP Platinum as your wish with a single click
- Bypass the restrictions by some owners of Internet resources on users from certain countries or geographical regions
- Post on bulletin boards without displaying your real IP address
- Use with a web based mail service to send anonymous email
- Doesn't like oher services force you to pay a monthly fee for anonymous surfing. For a low one-time price, you can visit whatever web sites without anyone ever finding out
1. Install the software,.
2. Use keygen to Register.
3. Enjoy.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 738x100 and weights 35KB.
Conceal your online identity with the click of a button. Surf anonymously, hide your IP while surfing the Internet, posting on forums, sending E-mails, instant messaging, playing games, and much more. Hiding your IP address is as simple as clicking the "Hide IP" button, which automatically configures your web browser or other application to use a proxy server from our proxy network. You can even change your IP address automatically every few minutes or automatically use an anonymous proxy when you start your computer. Select from dozens of our private network IPs or open network IPs from all over the world. Version 2007 supports the Premium High-Speed Service, providing fast IPs based in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Redirect all your Web traffic through our high-speed servers with 128-bit SSL encryption support to make your browsing both secure and anonymous.
Easily Conceal Your IP Address - Just click "Hide IP" and your IP is instantly hidden! Other people see a fake IP, which is not associated with your real IP. Click here to read how it works.
Hie My IP 2007 Released March 19, 2007. More features and more IPs! Anonymous Web Surfing - Protect your privacy and cover your tracks! Select from one of our many fake proxy IP addresses for totally anonymous browsing.
Advanced Application Support - Hide My IP 2007 now works with all major browsers and dozens of instant messengers, E-mail clients, games, and more!
Protect Your Identity and Stop Hackers - Identity thieves can use your IP addresses to compromise your computer. Installing keyloggers, Trojans, and other tools to aid their crime. Stop them at the source by hiding your IP!
Send Anonymous Emails - Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Supports Webmail services like Yahoo, Hotmail, and GMail. Mail clients supported with a Premium account include Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, and more!
Un-ban Yourself From Forums, Blogs, Etc... - By faking your IP you can often access many sites you were banned from. Combine with Cookie Crumble for the most effectiveness.
Hacker Best Tools Part 1
Filed under
Facebook Hacks,
Para newBie pasti akan membutuh kan Tools yang di gunakan dalam melakukan kegiatan Hacking nya ,hhe.Sya akhirnya mengumpulkan beberapa Tools yang layak kalian tau,Para Newbie,silahkan Bookmark Page ini jika swaktu-waktu kalian membutuhkan.
Di post ini di sediakan Tools yang biasa nya Para Hacker gunakan,disertakan Informasi dan Link download nya,untuk Membuat Kegiatan Hacking para hacker smakin mudah dan cepat.
Semua Software ini sebagian Full sebagian Trial,Kalian bisa mencari Serials dari berbagai Forum hacker di indonesia atau jika bisa akan saya bantu buat Serial Program nya.Jka kalian ingin kan Software Request.akan saya sediakan nanti dan saya edit dan update Postingan ini.
Oke langsung aja
banyak orang yang pengen tau cara hack facebook account.Tool ini di design untuk menghack Facebook accout dengan 2 Simple step. Sediakan Username/Email lalu Pass list dan biarkan bekerja.
program ini akan menghack secara Brute dan jika ada yang cocok maka akan di berikan Password nya kepada kalian,
untuk pada newbie yang bilang ini ga bekerja,sebenernya bekerja namun btuh waktu karena program ini mencobakan satu2 password yang ada di Pass list,memang sih klo terlalu banyak melakukan False Login maka akan menjadi Facebook Freezer,dan accoutn akan menjadi Freeze.hhi
Bukan musuh si Popeye,tools ini bisa menghack jenis page Login apapun dan mencobakan beberapa Passwords cukup cepat,yup teknik Brute lagi.semakin lengkap Pass list nya semakin besar kemungkinan hacking berhasil
passlist generator
bnyak sekali Passlist yang beredar di forum2 hacker di indonesia,saya pernah liat ada passlist yang ampe 2GB @_@,bayangkan lengkap nya Passlist tersebut.Jika kalian pengguna Brute Force Attack TOols seperti Brutus ,Phyton Dll.tetapi Ga bisa download File passlist yang lengkap,saya sediakan passlist generator.Tools ini akan membuat Pass list yang kalian butuhkan untuk melakukan Brute Force attack,kecil namun effisien
In Shadow Batch Virus Gen - 4.1.2
Sebuah Virus Creator.kalian bisa membuat Virus tanpa mempelajari Programing,cukup efektif untuk Para Black hat Hackers
password : "in shadow"
Atomic Virus Creator V.65
Sama seperti Sodara nya di atas hhe
Sekarang ini adalah 3 Tools yang saling melengkapi,kalian akan mendapatkan hasil lebih baik jika ke 3 nya di punyai bersamaan
Tools ini akan mencari Website yang vulnerability.kalian musti menuliskan dork nya dan tools ini akan mencari website yang sangat berpotensi untuk bisa di hack.
selalu gunakan dork inurl:"article.php?id=1" sebagai refeerensi awal hhe
SQL 1 Helper V.2.7
Setelah mendapatkan website yang bisa diserang ,gunakan Tools ini untuk melakukan hack otomatis menggunakan SQL injection. Tools ini akan melakukan semua pekerjaan berat sendiri,cukup pilih tombol untuk menyuruh tools ini bekerja sesuai keinginan.
kalian mungkin membutuh kan metode hash untuk mendapatkan password
Admin Finder
setelah mendapatkan password,gunakan ini untuk mendapatkan Admin page Login. Beberapa orang memiliki masalah dalam menemukan Admin page tempat si hack mau Login hhi.
Cain and Abel
Crack PC password,hack network connections,Sniff,Brute,.......dan dan pekerjaan hacker yang Buruk lain nya ,phew .
hacking tools yang ckup populer di kalangan hacker.jd g usah di jelaskan lagi hhe
w32 Dissasembler Degguer
tools untuk me-disassemble program apapun yang kalian inginkan. Efektif untuk programers
72389 Email Bomber
tools ini akan membantumu untuk spaming email apapun yang kalian inginkan.Tools ini special banget karena memiliki ability untuk me-spam dari email yang berbeda saat bersamaan ,Credit Go to Nathan72389
Simple binder
Gunakan Tools ini untuk menggabungkan 2 File menjadi 1 file.sangat efektif untuk menyembunyikan Virus / Worms dll.All credit go to Nathan72389
Hotmail Hacker and Massenger Fun
tool ini akan membantumu hack email hotmail massenger . Sederhananya ini bekerja dengan membuat si korban percaya bahwa dia bisa meng-hack email menggunakan tool ini.namun dalam kenyataan nya dia sendiri yang kena hack.Credit go to nathan72389
Gmail hacker
Tool ini akan membantumu hack GMail account.cara kerjanya sama seperti Hotmail hacker tools
Chat Spammer
Gunakan Spamer ini untuk melakukan spam di chat room apapun.Ketik Prasa yang kamu ingin kan untuk di spam .masih bingung juga kegunaan ini tools ,apa bagus nya sih,namun beberapa yang suka ribut sering pake ginian ,
1st mass mailer 4.2
tool ini akan melakukan mass spam email.Sedikit membingungkan namun efektif
Serial: "18935379480889"
My Lock Box
banyak orang menanyakan tools untuk menyembunyikan File atau Folder.Tool ini akan menyembunyikan File yang kalian inginkan dan menyimpan nya di safe BOx personal,sangat mdah di gunakan
I lock
sama seperti tools yang di atas,namun yang ini lebih professional.
lock an Exe
tool ini akan mengunci Semua Exe file dan membuat file tersebut tidak akan bisa bekerja lagi,
icon changer V3.8
bebarapa orang menanyakan Tool ini untuk bisa merubah beberapa icon dari file yang diinginkan.Gunakan tool ini untuk merubah icon dari suatu File.
All Credits Goes To Nathan 72389 Thanks For Share.^^
Di post ini di sediakan Tools yang biasa nya Para Hacker gunakan,disertakan Informasi dan Link download nya,untuk Membuat Kegiatan Hacking para hacker smakin mudah dan cepat.
Semua Software ini sebagian Full sebagian Trial,Kalian bisa mencari Serials dari berbagai Forum hacker di indonesia atau jika bisa akan saya bantu buat Serial Program nya.Jka kalian ingin kan Software Request.akan saya sediakan nanti dan saya edit dan update Postingan ini.
Oke langsung aja
banyak orang yang pengen tau cara hack facebook account.Tool ini di design untuk menghack Facebook accout dengan 2 Simple step. Sediakan Username/Email lalu Pass list dan biarkan bekerja.
program ini akan menghack secara Brute dan jika ada yang cocok maka akan di berikan Password nya kepada kalian,
untuk pada newbie yang bilang ini ga bekerja,sebenernya bekerja namun btuh waktu karena program ini mencobakan satu2 password yang ada di Pass list,memang sih klo terlalu banyak melakukan False Login maka akan menjadi Facebook Freezer,dan accoutn akan menjadi Freeze.hhi
Bukan musuh si Popeye,tools ini bisa menghack jenis page Login apapun dan mencobakan beberapa Passwords cukup cepat,yup teknik Brute lagi.semakin lengkap Pass list nya semakin besar kemungkinan hacking berhasil
passlist generator
bnyak sekali Passlist yang beredar di forum2 hacker di indonesia,saya pernah liat ada passlist yang ampe 2GB @_@,bayangkan lengkap nya Passlist tersebut.Jika kalian pengguna Brute Force Attack TOols seperti Brutus ,Phyton Dll.tetapi Ga bisa download File passlist yang lengkap,saya sediakan passlist generator.Tools ini akan membuat Pass list yang kalian butuhkan untuk melakukan Brute Force attack,kecil namun effisien
In Shadow Batch Virus Gen - 4.1.2
Sebuah Virus Creator.kalian bisa membuat Virus tanpa mempelajari Programing,cukup efektif untuk Para Black hat Hackers
password : "in shadow"
Atomic Virus Creator V.65
Sama seperti Sodara nya di atas hhe
Sekarang ini adalah 3 Tools yang saling melengkapi,kalian akan mendapatkan hasil lebih baik jika ke 3 nya di punyai bersamaan
Tools ini akan mencari Website yang vulnerability.kalian musti menuliskan dork nya dan tools ini akan mencari website yang sangat berpotensi untuk bisa di hack.
selalu gunakan dork inurl:"article.php?id=1" sebagai refeerensi awal hhe
SQL 1 Helper V.2.7
Setelah mendapatkan website yang bisa diserang ,gunakan Tools ini untuk melakukan hack otomatis menggunakan SQL injection. Tools ini akan melakukan semua pekerjaan berat sendiri,cukup pilih tombol untuk menyuruh tools ini bekerja sesuai keinginan.
kalian mungkin membutuh kan metode hash untuk mendapatkan password
Admin Finder
setelah mendapatkan password,gunakan ini untuk mendapatkan Admin page Login. Beberapa orang memiliki masalah dalam menemukan Admin page tempat si hack mau Login hhi.
Cain and Abel
Crack PC password,hack network connections,Sniff,Brute,.......dan dan pekerjaan hacker yang Buruk lain nya ,phew .
hacking tools yang ckup populer di kalangan hacker.jd g usah di jelaskan lagi hhe
w32 Dissasembler Degguer
tools untuk me-disassemble program apapun yang kalian inginkan. Efektif untuk programers
72389 Email Bomber
tools ini akan membantumu untuk spaming email apapun yang kalian inginkan.Tools ini special banget karena memiliki ability untuk me-spam dari email yang berbeda saat bersamaan ,Credit Go to Nathan72389
Simple binder
Gunakan Tools ini untuk menggabungkan 2 File menjadi 1 file.sangat efektif untuk menyembunyikan Virus / Worms dll.All credit go to Nathan72389
Hotmail Hacker and Massenger Fun
tool ini akan membantumu hack email hotmail massenger . Sederhananya ini bekerja dengan membuat si korban percaya bahwa dia bisa meng-hack email menggunakan tool ini.namun dalam kenyataan nya dia sendiri yang kena hack.Credit go to nathan72389
Gmail hacker
Tool ini akan membantumu hack GMail account.cara kerjanya sama seperti Hotmail hacker tools
Chat Spammer
Gunakan Spamer ini untuk melakukan spam di chat room apapun.Ketik Prasa yang kamu ingin kan untuk di spam .masih bingung juga kegunaan ini tools ,apa bagus nya sih,namun beberapa yang suka ribut sering pake ginian ,
1st mass mailer 4.2
tool ini akan melakukan mass spam email.Sedikit membingungkan namun efektif
Serial: "18935379480889"
My Lock Box
banyak orang menanyakan tools untuk menyembunyikan File atau Folder.Tool ini akan menyembunyikan File yang kalian inginkan dan menyimpan nya di safe BOx personal,sangat mdah di gunakan
I lock
sama seperti tools yang di atas,namun yang ini lebih professional.
lock an Exe
tool ini akan mengunci Semua Exe file dan membuat file tersebut tidak akan bisa bekerja lagi,
icon changer V3.8
bebarapa orang menanyakan Tool ini untuk bisa merubah beberapa icon dari file yang diinginkan.Gunakan tool ini untuk merubah icon dari suatu File.
All Credits Goes To Nathan 72389 Thanks For Share.^^
10 Aplikasi Penyadap telepon dan Sms
Filed under
Cell Phone Hacks,
Post ini bukan saya yang buat,Special Thanks To 1nd160 k1dZ From jasakom
Tutorial yang layak untuk di praktekan,Silahkan di coba dan Share disini okS
niy Aplikasi2 nya :
1) Mobile Secuware
Fitur penyadap Mobile Secuware bisa digunain utk memantau pacar aato tmen kita lewat fitur Remote Monitoringvnya. Selaen ntu Aplikasi ini dibekali kemampuan anti maling, jd klo hp ncang2 pd ilang ato di curi, kita bisa tau lewat fasilitas M-Trax (data2 nya pun bisa di selamatin)
aplikasi nya bisa di donlot di
2) Xelnex Lite
Xelnex Lite bisa digunain utk ngerekam pembicaraan ditelpon tanpa didahului bunyi 'beep'. jd terjaga kerahasiaaan nya,,
sayang nya aplikasi niy masih shareware alias bayar, tp kita bisa nyoba versi trial nya selama 10 hari n' aplikasi niy kompatibel utk Symbian S60 3rd edition.
klo ada yg mo nyoba donlot aja di
NB : klo udah ada yg bisa nge crack nya, tolong di share yaa..
3) Mobile-Spy
Pengguna hp Symbian S60 udh bisa make layanan pengintip isi hp dr jarak jauh. Dgn layanan ini mereka bisa mengetahui informasi lalu lintas sms dan telpon, yg bisa diakses dr pc ato hp laen lewwat server yg disediain.
selaen Symbian, hp yg berbasis windows Smartphone jg bisa make aplikasi niy...
sayang nya aplikasi niy juga msh trial, klo ada yg mo nyoba donlot di versi trial nya cuman 7 hari
NB : klo udah ada yg bisa nge crack nya, tolong di share yaa..
4) BT Info
aplikasi yg niy cuman memanfaatkan bluetooth doank, ya jd sama lah kya aplikasi2 laen...
klo ada yg mo nyoba, donlot di
BT Info jg bisa digunain utk ngendaliin semua fungsi hp, kaya nelpon, kamera, alarm, master reset, ampe matiin hp juga bisa.
5) Call Rrecorder dan AGLAYA Call Magic
fungsi nya cuman utk ngerekam pembicaraan telpon doank,,
klo ada yg mo nyoba, donlot disini aja <== utk Call Recorder nya <== utk AGLAYA Call Magic nya
6) TimedSpy
klo pnya hp Symbian S60 v.2 bisa langsung make tnpa alat tambahan,,
fungsi nya utk mengintai orang, jd aplikasi nya melakukan pemotretan trus hasil nya lngsung dikirm gituu...
klo ada yg mo nyoba, donlot di
7) Magic Blue Hack
Aplikasi garapan Humayan Kabir Pavel dan Avishek Ahmed ini, kompatibel utk ponsel Java MIDP 2.0 berBluetooth, Symbian s60, dan PDA.
Fitur yg tersedia yaitu Make Call, Send SMS, Phonebook, Write Ph Book, Answer Call, dan Hang Call.
klo ada yg mo nyoba, donlot di
8) BT Teror
Untuk usil2an, bisa di donlot di
Fungsi nya untuk memanipulasi bluetooth, jd aplikasi nya utk ngirim file2 ke hp target terus2an,, jd kaya flooding gitu deh...
Aplikasi niy harus terintregrasi pula dengan program Python S60 dan Python Script Shell. Utk nge donlot Python nya bisa donlot di
9) Mobiscope beta
Seiring kemajuan teknologi, dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet kita bisa menikmati layanan video streaming. Jd, nnti nya kita bisa membroadcast pantauan webcam melalui server dari suatu penyedia layanan. Hingga kita bisa dengan mudah mengaksesnya lewat hp, sekalipun jarak kita jauh. Mayoritas ponsel yg beredar di pasaran bisa melakukannya, mengingat sudah dijejali teknologi bearer data (GPRS/3G).
klo ada yg mo nyoba, donlot di
dengan aplikasi ini, kita bisa mengakses webcam lewat hp dengan aman dan nyaman. Menarik nya lg, aplikasi niy dilengkapin fitur sensor gerak dan scheduler, utk merekam situasi pada waktu tertentu.
10) SMS Anywhere
SMS Anywhere fungsi nya nge forward semua sms yg dikirim n' diterima ponsel target ke ponsel kita.
klo ada yg mo nyoba, donlot di
Nah,, sekarang terserah ncang2 pd mo make yg mna...
tinggal di sesuain ama keadaan sekitar nya,, hehehehe....
Have fun,
Before we continue onto basic of hacking let me tell u a secret. Hacking cant be learned by spoon feeding. You should have a strong will to learn it. It requires a vast knowledge of the Internet , networking and a good experience in the field of IT. These r the prerequisites to be an expert hacker. Even if you dont have these still u can be a hacker. But such hackers r called SCRIPT KIDDIES. Anyways let me tell you some resources from where you can learn hacking.
Also chatting with some of the hacker may help you a lot. Like i told earlier use IRC chat and join some channels and groups.
Also chatting with some of the hacker may help you a lot. Like i told earlier use IRC chat and join some channels and groups.
- P2P
Today i'm going to discuss about internet relay chat(irc). Most of us are familiar with instant messaging. The main difference between IM and IRC is that in irc users on channels normally see everything other users talk i.e. it is real-time nd public conversation area.(although most IM also supports irc style group chat as well). IRC is actually a network of servers that are connected to each other, creating an interconnected network between these servers.
So what is the significance of irc in hacking? Well it is place where most of the hackers meet. There will be group discussions on hacking and many other things you need to learn. Just join a group and learn through the group discussions. It also supports file transfers between connected users, using a method called DCC to transfer data. So you can share resources also in irc.
You can do internet relay chatting by downloading an irc client. There are different irc clients for different operation systems. For windows its mirc, ircll for linux, snak for mac etc. Download one of the clients and start chatting with hacker.
I'm a guy who is really interested in hacking. I went on googling for hacking articles in the internet and still on it. But from today i decided to share this information with others who wanted to learn hacking.
Let me give you a introduction regarding hacking. You might know the difference between a hacker nd a cracker. Literally hacker is a good guy nd cracker is a bad guy. But in my view both r same. Both posses the same skill. The difference lies in the way they use this skill- for good or bad. Anyway its you who have to decided what u should be.
Google Nexus One Carries $174.15 Materials Cost, iSuppli Teardown Reveals El Segundo, Calif., January 8, 2010-With its new Nexus One, Google Inc. has taken many of the latest smart-phone innovations and combined them in a single product that manages to be both cutting edge and cost competitive, according to a teardown conducted by iSuppli Corp.
The Nexus One, sold with the Google brand name but manufactured by HTC Corp., carries a Bill Of Materials (BOM) of $174.15, based on a preliminary estimate from iSuppli's Teardown Analysis Team. This total comprises only hardware and component costs for the Nexus One itself and does not take into consideration other expenses such as manufacturing, software, box contents, accessories and royalties.
Google Nexus One Carries $174.15 Materials Cost, iSuppli Teardown Reveals
El Segundo, Calif., January 8, 2010-With its new Nexus One, Google Inc. has taken many of the latest smart-phone innovations and combined them in a single product that manages to be both cutting edge and cost competitive, according to a teardown conducted by iSuppli Corp.
The Nexus One, sold with the Google brand name but manufactured by HTC Corp., carries a Bill Of Materials (BOM) of $174.15, based on a preliminary estimate from iSuppli's Teardown Analysis Team. This total comprises only hardware and component costs for the Nexus One itself and does not take into consideration other expenses such as manufacturing, software, box contents, accessories and royalties.
Google is selling unlocked versions of the Nexus One at an unsubsidized price of $529, or at $179 with a two-year service contract from T-Mobile.
"With the Nexus One, Google has taken the most advanced features seen in recent smart phone designs and wrapped them up into a single sleek design," said Kevin Keller, senior analyst, competitive analysis, for iSuppli. "Items like the durable unibody construction, the blazingly fast Snapdragon baseband processor and the bright and sharp Active-Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (AM-OLED) display all have been seen in previous phones, but never before combined into a single design. This gives the Nexus One the most advanced features of any smart phone ever dissected by iSuppli's Teardown Analysis Service-a remarkable feat given the product's BOM is similar to comparable products introduced during the past year."
The attached table presents the preliminary results of iSuppli's teardown analysis of the Nexus One. iSuppli will conduct a finalized and more detailed analysis later this month.
Return of the Snapdragon
At the heart of the Nexus One is Qualcomm Inc.'s Snapdragon baseband processor that sports a blistering 1GHz clock speed.
"The Snapdragon was first noted in a previous smart phone torn down by iSuppli-the Toshiba Corp. TGO1-which is based on Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Mobile operating system," Keller said. "However, the Android 2.1 operating system used in the Nexus One better capitalizes on the Snapdragon's fast performance, making the user interface and applications run very quickly.
This processing muscle also gives the Nexus One some advanced capabilities, most notably high-definition 720p video playback."
iSuppli estimates the cost of the Snapdragon at $30.50, making it the most expensive single component in the Nexus One. With the inclusion of the Snapdragon and the associated power-management and Radio Frequency (RF) transceiver chips, Qualcomm commands 20.4 percent of the Nexus One's BOM, giving it the biggest dollar share of any component supplier in the design.
AM-OLED display
One of the Nexus One's signature features is its 3.7-inch AM-OLED display, which is superior to the conventional LCDs used in most smart phone designs in a variety of ways. Compared to LCDs, AM-OLEDs deliver a larger color gamut, a faster response time, a thinner form factor and reduced power consumption.
Prior to the Nexus One, AM-OLED technology appeared in another smart phone, Samsung's I7500, which features a 3.2-inch display. However, the Nexus One uses a larger display, marking the first use of a 3.7-inch OLED that iSuppli's Teardown Analysis Service has seen.
"The 3.7-inch AM-OLED display on the Nexus One delivers a stunning picture," Keller said.
With an estimated cost of $23.70, the AM-OLED display is supplied by Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd.
Heavenly unibody
The Nexus One also sports a unibody design, which means that the smart phone's enclosure comprises a single part. Such a design approach provides greater structural rigidity, providing more protection to the internal electronics in case the phone is dropped. On the other hand, a unibody tends to drive up manufacturing costs.
Besides Apple Inc.'s iPhone, this marks the first unibody smart-phone design that iSuppli's teardown analysis team has noted.
With the Nexus One, HTC has taken a major cue from Apple in the enclosure design, making it the most "Apple-like" product yet seen from any in the competition, and others are likely to follow suit.
Noises off
The Nexus One also features a dual microphone design used for cancellation of background noise. This feature also was noted in Motorola's Droid, another Android-based smart phone. To implement the noise cancellation function, the Nexus One employs a specialized audio voice processor chip from Audience Semiconductor, the first time iSuppli's Teardown Analysis service has observed a part from this manufacturer in any electronic product.
Lost memories
The Nexus One includes a large quantity of DRAM, employing 4Gbit (512MByte) of Samsung Semiconductor's Double Data Rate (DDR) DRAM. This compares to 1Gbit or 2Gbit for comparable smart phones. The large quantity of DRAM is required to store executable code to support the fast performance of the Snapdragon processor, and allows for better application performance.
While the Nexus One features 4Gbit of internal NAND flash memory, the same amount as the Droid and the Toshiba TG01, it is bundled with a comparatively small MicroSD card of 4Gbyte. NAND flash is used for storage of user content and media on the smart phone. The Droid and TG01 are supplied with 16Gbyte and 8Gbyte, respectively. This allows Google to keep its overall BOM costs down, yet still allows the user to upgrade as needed. And while the 4Gbyte of internal flash pales against the iPhone's whopping 16Gbyte, it has the advantage of expandability afforded by the MicroSD card slot where the iPhone has no external storage facility.
Samsung Semiconductor is the supplier of all the memory in the Nexus One, giving it $20.40, or 11.7 percent, of the product's total BOM.
Synaptics gets in touch
Other notable design winners in the Nexus One include Synaptics Inc., which supplies the phone's capacitive touch-screen assembly. iSuppli estimates the cost of the assembly at $17.50, or 10 percent of the total BOM. While the module and the Android operating system support multitouch input, the capability is deactivated on the Nexus One.
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