Paid To Popup Hacking Articles: February 2009

Free iTunes Store Account

Free iTunes Store Account - No matter where you live :

Many of you might think that iTunes Store Account is a premium account and it is not at all free.

Because you might have seen the page on the account setup asking for your credit card information or any other payment method or so.

Well, there is a way you can get an iTunes Store Account for free.

This way of getting the iTunes Store Account for free is perfectly legal, it is also approved by Apple and there is no sort of gambling or so.

This account of iTunes store (free) can be used on any of the Apple sites and services.

And mostly this can be used with Genius in iTunes.

You just need to follow the following steps:

1. Select the iTunes store in which you did like to have an account. Use the store selector towards the bottom of the iTunes store homepage.

2. Choose the App store, then select one of the Free Apps.

3. When the app page loads, hit the 'Get App' button.

4. The login prompt will appear so be sure to click on 'Create New Account'

5. Click continue, then tick the 'I Accept' box, and click Continue again.

6. Fill out your details on the next page (you'll need a real, valid email address), and click continue

7. After that, fill out your details.

8. You will now see a message telling you to click on the confirmation link sent to the email you specified earlier. Then check your email inbox ( or spam folder ), open the email and click the confirmation link.

9. iTunes will popup, and here you will sign in with your new iTunes account details'

10. You should now have successfully logged into your free Account.

So go get your new iTunes store accounts for free and that too perfectly legal.

Done. :)

